
Mai Armstrong

For several years Mai Armstrong has been specializing in counselling on family and succession law, including marriage settlements, last wills, estates of deceased persons, cases regarding residence, custody and parent visitation rights as well as divorce cases and division of the joint estate of spouses.

In addition to this Mai Armstrong has longstanding experience in counselling of employers and employees in cases relating to employment law on dismissal, notice of termination and contracts of employment, etc.

Mai Armstrong conducts cases at the Agency of Family Law (Familieretshuset), at committees dealing with family related problems of children and young people (Børne- og Ungeudvalg), at The National Social Appeals Board (Ankestyrelsen) and at the courts, and she advises private individuals as well as small and medium-sized business enterprises.

Attorney, 2005
Assistant Attorney, 2002
Master of Laws, University of Aarhus, 2001
Computer assistant, Aarhus Business College, 1989

Attorney, DENLAW Advokater, 2020-
Attorney, Partner, Advokatkontoret, 2013-
Attorney, Partner, Nexus Advokater, 2013-2017
Attorney, Munk | Hartz Advokater, 2012
Attorney, WTC advokaterne, 2009-2011
Attorney, EUROLAW, 2005-2009
Attorney Attorney, 2002-2005
IT-Employee, 1990 – 1993

Foreign languages
English and Scandinavian


  • The Danish Bar and Law Society
  • Egedal Rotary Club
  • JUC Network regarding children’s rights
  • Danish Employment Lawyers (Danske AnsættelsesAdvokater)

Areas of practice

  • Legal separation/divorce and divorce settlements/dividing of property 
  • Cohabitation law
  • Cases regarding children (custody, address and visitation)
  • Cases regarding forced removal of children from their home
  • Employment law
  • Estate administration (probate law)
  • Cases regarding trustee law (when somebody is incapable to manage their affairs)
  • Civil cases

Contact information

Phone: +45 3313 1511
Mobile: +45 3146 3631

Client account:
Handelsbanken: 7630-2073630
IBAN: DK 54 7630 000 2073630

CVR no. and VAT no. 34951683

Secure mail